The Black Knights Page 7
Jordan raised a brow as if he were going to question me but shrugged instead. “She has to learn at some point. But you’re the boss.”
“I’ll send her ahead on the scouting missions to the West Coast with Hernandez if the old man isn’t too tired. He can fly ahead of us from London.”
Mikael snorted. “He’d be offended if you left him behind. What about Esai?”
I frowned. Leaving behind another member of Jordan’s handpicked team wasn’t appealing, but I also had to pacify Esai. I may have disliked him, but he was good when he stayed on task. He was also a fellow member of the Circle and keeping the peace within that group was of the utmost importance. “Make him a seventh. I don’t want him spearheading any of the scouting teams. He may get an idea in his head and act without consulting anyone. I don’t want him putting anyone in danger. Danny, do we have a safe house that we can use as a base of operations?”
“Yes for Amsterdam. I know of a place where people don’t ask questions in London. San Francisco has two. I’d recommend sending Phelps there because he used to live in the city. Whoever goes to Vancouver will have to stay in a motel. I don’t know anyone there.”
“Isla Mujeres gives us two choices: We can either stay at one of the time-shares, pretending to be a group on vacation, or we can camp out,” said Jordan. “I know of a place in Vancouver through my connections. It won’t be a problem.”
“Even if you are not there?”
Jordan tilted his head to one side. “Amir should go. He’s been there with me before, and my guy is familiar with him.”
“You have stayed in the time-shares in Mexico, da?” asked Mikael. “For a real vacation?”
“Yes, most people are drunk or stupid tourists. They don’t ask questions as long as they feel safe. I carried concealed weapons with no problem. Whoever goes there can blend in easily enough. Like I said, if they want, they can camp in one of the remote areas of the island instead.”
Who the hell carried concealed weapons with them on vacation? It was a question that would have to hold for the moment, but I was dying to know what dangers an island resort held for him. Whatever. I trusted his judgment.
Danny clapped his hands once. “Excellent. My team will make the travel arrangements today and will send them over to your office. Try not to bring the entire armory with you this time.”
I tried to smother an amused smile. On the first mission I’d organized, I’d been overzealous. Not even Hernandez had the heart to talk me out of the obscene amount of equipment I’d requested.
“There are only seven of us going to Amsterdam. We should have plenty left for everyone else. Funds?” I asked.
“The usual amount of local currency plus American dollars to use when appropriate. Get the passports in order. Since you’re on vacation, don’t forget to visit tourists’ spots in case you’re followed.”
“We’ve got it,” said Jordan through clenched teeth. “This isn’t our first rodeo.”
“This may not be yours, but your boss is still learning. She may not need reminders, but it doesn’t hurt,” Danny chided. “Relax.”
“Thank you, Danny,” I said, gathering the packets in front of me. I didn’t know what to make of Jordan’s sudden mood or Danny’s gentle defense of me. They butted heads but there had been no real reason to start an argument. I rose from my seat and tilted my head, signaling for Jordan and Mikael to follow me out. “We’ll talk later.”
✽ ✽ ✽
Nicholas came over to my apartment with dinner the night before we were scheduled to fly out. After eating an obscene amount of Thai food, we settled on the couch to watch our favorite reality show of the moment, one of those competition shows where backstabbing was the only form of communication. His long face was pensive. Usually, his lips were curved into a smile and laugh lines decorated the corners of his brown eyes. He didn’t even comment at the surprise treachery of the week.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“This is your first long trip. You’ll be gone anywhere from two weeks to who knows how long. I worry about you.”
“You’re sweet, but I’ll be fine. I have superpowers to protect me from the bad guys. Even if I didn’t, I have six hulking beasts of men to protect me.”
“That’s the problem,” he muttered under his breath. “I worry that you’ll be lonely with no other women with you. I mean, who will you sleep with? I’m assuming that you won’t have luxury accommodations with your own room everywhere.”
Having grown up with a twin brother, I was no stranger to sleeping next to a person of the opposite sex. Nicholas was old fashioned and thought that I should only sleep next to my significant other or another woman. It wasn’t the first time something like this had come up, but he’d never been this obnoxious about it.
“I’ll have my own room in Amsterdam, but you’re right about London. The accommodations are, well, cozy is an understatement. I’ll share a room with Mikael and another person. Maybe Hernandez.”
“I trust Mikael, but Hernandez? Don’t you think it’s inappropriate?”
“He’s old enough to be my father and treats me like a niece when we’re not working. Would Kosuke or Jones be better bunkmates?”
“No,” he said, panic written on his face. “Don’t even think about it. I see the way they look at you. What kind of pajamas did you pack?”
“Does it matter?”
“It does.”
My temper frayed around the edges. I didn’t like the possessiveness in his voice. I also didn’t like the implications. My fingers itched. Worse, I could feel Her waking up in the back of my mind. “I packed two your long pants and a few t-shirts. I chose them because it will be cold and your stuff is warmer than mine. I’m also their boss. I will not wear short-shorts and form-fitting clothes.”
“Good,” he said, looking too pleased with himself. “Make sure they know that those clothes belong to me. They’ll remember to behave themselves.”
“Let me get this straight,” I said in a strained voice. “You want everyone to know I’m wearing your clothes so that they know I’ve been claimed. But only Hernandez, Jones, and Kosuke are a threat. Esai, Jordan, and Mikael are fine.”
“Mikael is fine. Esai hates you too much. Jordan, well, make sure he knows too.”
I made a note to unpack his pajamas and dig out my own flannels from the depths of my closet. I’d chosen his pajamas because they were cozy and I was sentimental like that, not that I’d admit it now. Damn him. I refused to be branded. She refused to be coerced by his bad mood.
Nicholas sat up and crossed his arms. “And why are you bringing your makeup bag? I saw it next to your suitcase. Since when do you need eyeliner to rescue someone?”
She was back, and she wanted to take a piece out of him. So did I. “Honey, darling,” I said, my voice dripping with unmistakable venom, “I’ll change the way I dress depending on the target and area, and I’ll even change my partner from day to day. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you. Back off.”
“Partners? What are you planning to do? Hold hands in the park?”
It was one scenario, yes, but there was no way I’d tell him that. He also didn’t need to know about the slinky dress and heels I’d packed for the night when we planned on scouting a nightclub where some shady characters had been spotted.
“I plan to do my job. Surveil. Follow someone. Investigate. Kill people. You know, my job, the one where I’m in charge of the whole damn thing and those men you’re so worried about answer to me.”
“We should have gone out tonight,” he grumbled.
“What? Why? This is our ritual.”
“People need to remember that you’re taken and they need to respect that.”
“No,” I snapped, “people need to remember that I’m a dangerous assassin who can handle anything that comes my way. Your little insecurity trip is ridiculous, and I’m getting tired of trying to convince you that it will be okay. Give it up or leave me alone.”
; Nicholas jerked back in surprise. “Leave you alone? This is the first mission when there’s not another woman to keep you company. They may be your friends, but they’re men. I know how men think, and I don’t want them getting any smart ideas.”
“Who cares what they think?” I shouted. “If anyone made a pass at me, I’d fry them before they finished. I hate that you think so little of my team’s professionalism.”
“Jordan has a reputation for sleeping around. Doesn’t that concern you?”
“So does Mikael, or at least he’s trying. As long as it doesn’t impact their abilities in the field, I couldn’t care less. You’re freaking out over nothing and it’s pissing me off.”
“Your lack of concern about my reputation is pissing me off. What are people going to say when they hear that you’re sleeping in the same room as other men when you’re dating me?”
“Screw your reputation! If you don’t trust me, then we have bigger problems than where I will sleep.” I reached for the remote and turned off the television. “I’m done arguing. Either let it go and come to bed with me or say your goodbyes now. Your choice.”
Nicholas’ head snapped back, and he gaped at me. “Are you joking? This is our last night together. Our ritual. You’d kick me out just because I have concerns?”
“You’re behaving irrationally. I’ve got an early flight tomorrow, and I need a good night of sleep if I’m going to be on my game tomorrow. Otherwise, I might fall asleep on the plane in front of everyone. What a scandal.”
“You’re ridiculous. We’re a public couple with a reputation to maintain, and all I’m doing is asking you to be mindful of that. Sleep alone. Make them double or triple up. Their discomfort is not my problem.”
“You were obsessed with my imminent death when Jordan was gone and insisted on being with me as much as possible as if you could prevent it. Now you’re all snarly about appearances and what other men think: my men, as in the men who report to me. Jeebus, I’m surprised you haven’t insisted on tagging along.”
“I’ve thought about it,” he said. “But I can’t afford to take time off, not when I will be out of the office on a relocation trip next month.”
My fingers tingled, and when I looked down, there was a slight glow emanating from beneath my nail beds. Sweat formed along my hairline and at the base of my skull. I wanted to strangle him, hurt him, for making me feel like an empty-headed, easily manipulated, powerless bimbo. She wanted to do worse. I was strong, capable, dangerous, and smart. I was all that and more and damn him for making me feel like less than that.
“You should go,” I said. “I’m not doing this right now. I’ll see you in two weeks.”
He stared at me, dumbfounded. His crossed arms dropped to his side. “You’re kicking me out.”
“Yes, I’m asking you to leave.” Glancing at the clock, I swore. It was one in the morning, and my flight was at eight. I’d planned ongoing to the gym before we left to the airport, but that wasn’t happening now.
Nicholas jumped to his feet, grabbed his belongings, swearing under his breath in terms more colorful than I’d ever heard from him. He walked over and kissed me hard on the mouth. It wasn’t a passionate kiss. It was bruising, angry, marking. I came close to raking his face with my nails. “Call me every day.”
“Whatever. Bye.” I didn’t bother to wait for him to leave to rip his pajamas out of my suitcase and stuff it with the girliest pants and t-shirts I could find. I threw in more makeup and another pair of heels. Screw him. Damn his stupid neuroses. I was hot and sweating and couldn’t breathe. I needed to get out before I tracked Nicholas down and did what She wanted. Shaking, I dialed Mikael’s number, my stomach sinking when the call went straight to voicemail. I wouldn’t wake him from what was likely a rare night of good sleep. I packed all of my bags and set everything aside. In my pajamas, I walked out of my apartment and paused to knock on Dakarai’s door. Much to my surprise, I heard a lovely feminine voice laughing along with his deeper baritone. There was no way I’d interrupt him now.
Go, D!
I trudged back to my apartment and threw myself onto my bed, burrowing under my blanket.
Forget him. You have work to do, and that’s more important than his feelings. You’re better than this.
My stomach tightened at Her words. She was right. I had to put him out of my mind, at least for the foreseeable future. His issues were the least of my problems.
BLEARY-EYED, I MADE my way down to the garage and toward the SUVs ready to take us to the airport. I routinely had much earlier mornings, but I’d had to rush because I’d overslept. I lost my ever-loving mind when I checked my cell phone and saw that Nicholas had called twelve times in the hours since I’d kicked him out. Twelve mother effing times. I didn’t need Her to tell me that I needed to handle him before he got any more out of control.
Ahead of me, Jordan hefted a bag into the trunk. As he turned to pick up his own suitcase, he caught my eye and frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m annoyed,” I grumbled. “Didn’t have a good morning.”
He reached out and touched the dark circle under my left eye with the pad of his thumb. “You can rest on the plane.”
“I have work to do.”
“So? Your health comes first. That means being well rested.” His lips quirked. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Protecting you is a lot harder if you’re sloppy because you didn’t get enough sleep. I’ll watch over you to make sure you’re not disturbed.”
Nicholas’ voice rang in my head. He’d throw a fit if he knew that Jordan wanted to guard me in my sleep. As if I needed protection from a little bit of noise. The man was ridiculous.
“Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” I picked up my bag, but he took it from me and stowed it with surprising gentleness as if it contained fragile objects inside. He placed a hand on the small of my back to guide me into the vehicle. I was relieved to see Mikael already inside. He was sketching in a notebook, a hobby of his, and grunted out a greeting. I wasn’t the only one in a mood. Sighing, I pulled out my headphones and turned on the soundtrack to my favorite musical, tuning everyone out as we left headquarters.
Our drivers took us to a small airport fifteen miles outside of Manhattan that catered to private chartered flights. Our cars pulled up to the curb of our terminal, and a valet in a pressed uniform suit escorted us inside to the cozy waiting area.
Hernandez waved at us to join him. Our team converged at the attendant’s small booth and handed over our passports and tickets. The business-like woman had us checked in less than five minutes later. Mikael walked ahead of me and entered first. He smiled at Raquel, our flight attendant. She was gorgeous, with an hourglass figure highlighted in the company’s stereotypical flight attendant’s uniform. Her copper hair was loose around her shoulders, and her kewpie lips were the perfect shade of cherry red. “Raquel, it is good to see you.”
She gave him a half-smile, distracted. “Jordan, honey!” she squealed, pushing Mikael and me down the aisle. “You’re back. How was the trip?”
Jordan smiled and hugged her. “Thanks for the tip. That igloo hotel in Lapland was worth the extra week of travel.”
I tuned out the rest of the conversation when I saw Mikael’s hunched shoulders and lowered head. He’d confessed on the drive over that he had a crush on the attendant and the rejection must have been devastating. It occurred to me that this might not have been the first time someone had gone gaga over Jordan and pushed the unassuming Mikael to the side. Only this time, it was literal. Worse than his pride, Mikael had to have felt unimportant. I did too, but for different reasons. Jordan had refused on more than one occasion to tell us what he’d done during the months that he was gone, but the flight attendant knew enough to recommend a hotel in a particular region of the world. It was a blow to our supposed friendship.
I took Mikael’s arm and sat down next to him in the cabin’s middle, one of the few p
laces where there were two seats joined.
“She’s not that pretty,” I said in my best snotty little sister tone, the one that would have said anything to make him smile. She was that pretty, but screw her for making him feel bad.
Mikael let out a small laugh and straightened in his seat. “What are we going to do for the next twelve hours?”
“I don’t know about you, but I will drink this coffee and try not to bounce off the walls. I have work to do. We can still watch movies.”
Hernandez settled into the chair in front of us. “Mikael and I will play chess. He complains that he loses, but he doesn’t practice enough.”
“I’m going to sleep,” announced Kosuke. “Don’t wake me up.”
Jones yawned. “I promised my daughter that I’d play a game with her online. My nap will have to wait until after that’s done.”
“You, Esai? Jordan?”
“We’ll talk about why Jordan needs to be in charge again and I’ll change his mind,” said Esai.
Jordan smacked the back of his head. “I told you it’s not going to happen because you have a competent boss. And stop asking in front of her. It’s tasteless. I plan on helping Jasper work, napping, and acting as a chess commentator.”
Esai grumbled under his breath and made his way to a lone seat in the back of the small cabin. Raquel came back around as we settled into our seats, offering us breakfast. I was just as hungry as I was tired, so I took her up on the plate of eggs and a bagel with cream cheese and lox. Soon, we were all lost in our own worlds. Kosuke, true to his word, was asleep ten minutes after takeoff. Jones played a game that featured ponies in eye-watering pastel colors. Esai and Hernandez spoke about a recent boxing match while Mikael dozed next to me.
Jordan tapped my shoulder. “Want company?”
“Yes, but I have too much paperwork to handle. Besides, I want to review these maps again.”
He tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips together for a long moment. “None of this will take twelve hours. Relax a little.”